
Monday, January 10, 2011

Flapper Fashion - Prediction of 2011

The 1980s are out and the 1920s are in! That is the prediction of this fashion bloggers prediction for the early year of 2011. Expect the dropped waists, cloche hats, Mary Janes and strings of pearls that are so distinctive of this era! In the hair department, expect many shiny new bobs and shorter cut hair. Also in more casual clothing expect more of a boyish style- this was becoming quite popular durring the time! I wouldnt say that elaborate bead work will be comming back though. Beading alwasys did make for an expesive outfit and in the summer heat, all that weight can be nearly unbearable! But keep your eyes open for this fun revamped style!


Flapper Fashion of Today

For books dealing with the 1920s, check out this site:

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Hello everyone! Welcome to Empire Fashion! If you cant tell, this blog is about fashion! I have chosen the name Empire for it for multiple reasons. One is because of the Empire style dresses that were popular in the early 19th century (and which have recently become popular again in shirts and blouses.) Another reason that I chose Empire for the name was because there really was never an empire that did not create its own fashion! The Marie-Antoinette France era is well know for its insane hair styles, the Napoleonic era for its empire waist dress, the Ancient Egyptians for their white sheath-style dresses. This blog will not only give up-to-date information on whats hot in fashion, but will also give you fashions of history, which may well have influenced todays fashion, and introduce you to fashions you never knew about!

A bientot!
